Monday, August 17, 2009

“If you wish to be perfect…”

Matt 19: 21-22 "If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

Stuff…most of us have a bunch of STUFF, grown up toys and things that we cherish and sometimes worship. You can't take it with you! Don't get attached to stuff… get attached to Jesus. He tells us not focus on possessions, but focus on Him and following His model. Keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, everything else is a cakewalk. Your prayer today; "Lord, you gave me all of this stuff and I know that you can take it away at any time. I ask you to never take away the Greatest Gift you gave me, Your Son, Jesus. I make Him my focus this day… walk with me Lord, talk with me Lord, let my focus today and everyday be always on Jesus!"

Blessings and Peace be unto you today and always!

Richard Lane, Qorban Ministries –


(We rely on your Generosity in these hard times, to keep us continuing the Mission of Spreading the Gospel, so if you would like to make a 'Free Will Love Offering' to help us continue spreading the Word, we thank you very much and please click this link. Blessings and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be unto you.)

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