Wednesday, August 19, 2009

“… are you envious because I am generous?”

Matt: 20:15 "… are you envious because I am generous?"

Jesus said this to His disciples in the Parable of the Landowner, in which the Last laborers of the day received the same wages of those who had labored in the heat for all day. Sometimes we get envious of others belongings, others ministries, others who have succeeded in areas we have tried for so long and yet they have labored much less that we have, but yet they receive the promotions, accolades, and other things we desire because of our hard work. Do not go another day being envious of someone else's things or their anointing, God generously gives His ALL TO ALL; you must decide today to give your ALL TO ALL that God brings across your path today. You are anointed and appointed by God, so don't worry about what others have; your job is to take care of those who 'have not' received the Gospel, those who have not received the Love of Jesus Christ! You are BLESSED to be a Blessing to someone today! Bless them, unconditionally and let the Lord continue to bless you even more in your Love!

Blessed be the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ – Now and Forever more… Let the Church say… amen, Amen and AMEN!

Richard Lane, Qorban Ministries –



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