Friday, July 31, 2009

“A Prophet is not without honor…”

"A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and in his own house."

You are called to share in the Prophetic role of Jesus' ministry. You are called to spread the Word of God, to make sacrifice on behalf of your family and of others. As you grow into your ministry you will be persecuted and mocked and suffer set back's, but remember this; "Your Set-Back is God's Set-UP for your Comeback!"

As the Author of the Book of James reminds us, we must consider it a joy when we encounter various trials and tribulations… for they make us stronger in our Faith in Jesus. Be thankful this day when others talk about you for the Love of the Lord that is on your lips, on your face and in your heart; for Jesus was not without honor except in his native home.

Rejoice when you walk in the Light of the Lord this day, though the earthly perceptions may be negative, the entire Kingdom of Heaven is Rejoicing in your Heavenly actions. Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever, let the Church say… amen, Amen and AMEN!

Richard Lane, Qorban Ministries –

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