Thursday, July 30, 2009

"The Kingdom of heaven is like a net…”

Matt 13:47 - "The Kingdom of heaven is like a net thrown into the sea,
which collects fish of every kind…"

Today, you are a Fisher of men and women. God has called each and every one of us by our Baptism to be His disciples and preach the Good News of Salvation to all the world. How to you Preach the Gospel you might ask, if you are not an ordained Minister? Well, you preach the Gospel in the way you live your life; how you treat others, family, friends, co-workers; you preach the Gospel in the way you treat strangers, "For whatsoever you do unto the least of these, you do unto me", Jesus reminds us.

Cast your nets today and lower them for a catch. Speak a word of life into someone's life today, greet someone with an extra smile. Make a conscious effort to tell everyone you come into contact with today, "God Bless you". When you do this, your net is being lowered for the Holy Spirit to catch them. Your mouth is the Fishing Pole and the Word of God is the bait. Make sure you cast out for some nibbles and when the big one bites, let the Holy Spirit reel them in!

Blessings and Peace to you.

Richard Lane, Qorban Ministries –

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