Tuesday, March 31, 2009

“Water into Wine – Living the Sacrament – Day 2”

Not only did the People of God come back… they were INVITATIONAL and brought MORE People of God with them to hear His Word proclaimed! PRAISE YOU LORD JESUS!!!

Last night we focused on Baptism and we were more in depth with teaching from the Catechism about the Sacrament of Baptism. (If you want to know what was talked about – READ IT YOURSELF! J)

We then moved into the Sacrament of Confirmation and talked about the POWER of the Mark of God placed upon us in His Sealing us with the Holy Spirit. We talked about the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and if we live in the Spirit we will be guided by the Spirit and our works will bear the FRUITS of the Spirit, Gal 5:22!

We then talked about what brings all together; the Source and Summit of our Existence and our Lives; The Sacrament of the Eucharist. The SPOKEN Word of God, made Flesh and dwelt among us… FULL of Mercy and Grace! We talked about the Healing Power of all the Sacraments, but especially the POWER of the BLOOD, the TRUE BLOOD of Christ made Manifest in Flesh, given to US in the form of the Eucharist! PRAISE GOD!!! THANK YOU LORD FOR YOUR BLOOD!!!

The Holy Spirit was on FIRE tonight…thank you Lord…thank You for Your SPOKEN WORD! We Adore You, We WORSHIP YOU, we Give You Thanks and PRAISE! HOLY, MIGHTY, IMMORTAL GOD! THANK YOU!

Tomorrow the final night, we bring it all into perspective, Water into Wine – Living the Sacraments from Baptism through Matrimony – the Wedding Feast at Cana! GONNA BE A POWERFUL ANOINTED SENDING FORTH!!! DON'T MISS THE FINAL NIGHT AND BRING SOMEBODY!!!

God bless.

Qorban Ministries!

“Water into Wine – Living the Sacraments – Day 1 Monday”

What a powerful first night for the Revival here at St. Peter Claver Parish in St. Inigoes, Maryland. They call it "The Holy House on the Hill".

Theme for the first night was ALLOW. We focused on the Sacrament of Baptism. John the Baptist was approached by Jesus and Jesus wanted him to baptize Him. John spoke to Jesus and said, that he was not worthy to do so, that he (John) needed to be Baptized by Jesus. John had to submit, humble himself and be obedient to Jesus and John had to ALLOW it to happen, for Prophecy to be fulfilled.

Why do we have Holy Water at the door of every Catholic Church? To remind us of our Baptism, it is a constant reminder that we must continuously submit to God, humble ourselves to His Will in our lives and also it is a constant reminder of our sinfulness, but we are made clean through Baptism.

We also focused on Conversion. I told of my conversion story of how I let go and let God, and He made straight the crooked lines of my life. We ALL must have a DAILY Conversion of Spirit in order for us to pick up our Cross and Follow Jesus and we must Die to our sinful flesh and live ANEW in the Spirit, if we are going to Walk in the Spirit. We talked about fear which keeps us from doing the Will of God and how God continues to give us Graces to fight our fears each day.

We re-committed ourselves to God, we had yet a Daily Conversion and we SPOKE to the LORD and allowed Him again to come into our Hearts and have a RELATIONSHIP with Him. We invited Him to take over our lives so that we may live ANEW IN Him.

This small Church, was PACKED with people HUNGRY for the Word of God and what a Glorious Night was had by the People of God within this wonderful Community. Lives were touched, a NEW Love for Christ was generated, and people were BLESSED and HIGHLY FAVORED to GIVE that FAVOR of God away freely to others, as we walk in the Light of Christ… "Take me to the water….take me to the water…..take me to the water….to be Baptized!"

Thank you Lord!

Qorban Ministries

Monday, March 30, 2009

Feeding of the 3,000 in 2009!

I am in the midst of a long, but Glorious road trip right now. On Wednesday the 25th of March, I was blessed to be able to preach at a prayer service at St. Antoninus Parish in Newark, New Jersey. 30 people gathered for weekly prayer and praise on a Wednesday night and we saw the POWER of the Holy Spirit's anointing upon so many who had come, HUNGRY, to hear the Word of God. After the prayer service, we prayed and had a Laying on of Hands. The Holy Spirit did His work and people received the Anointing of God. The Power of the Holy Spirit was truly working His Glories.

Earlier in the day, I went to do a hospital visit to Joshua. I had been told that someone was in the hospital with an unknown illness that had come on all of a sudden, without warning and without explanation. Joshua was healthy and all of a sudden about a month ago, his organs began to shut down and he was near death.

To my surprise upon my arrival, Joshua was a baby. 19 months old and was in what some would call a 'vegetative state' and none responsive. Hoping against Hope, Joshua's mother continued to have Faith in the Healing Power of our Lord, against the advice and diagnosis of the doctors. Due to not only her prayer but the continued prayer and faith of the Community of St. Antoninus, Joshua had been healed enough to be released into rehabilitation the following day. This child of God had made a TRULY Miraculous recovery. What is impossible for Man, is POSSIBLE for God…rely NOT on your own understanding. The prayers of the community, united with the prayers of the Angels and Saints in Heaven, healed and are continuing to heal young Joshua. PRAISE BE JESUS CHRIST NOW AND FOREVER MORE! What inspiration that gave me.

Thursday, I was able to go with Fr. Bill and actually participate in a weekly Bible Study for a group of Catholic's at the United Nations building in New York. Bible Study at the U.N.? Wow the Lord takes you places you never thought you would go…when you say YES TO HIM! Thank you Lord.

Friday evening was unbelievable. I was asked to go to a Parish in Orange, New Jersey, about 45 minutes from Newark at St. John the Evangelist. I was told there was going to be a 'Healing Mass' conducted. To my SHOCK, upon arrival, (two hours early), there were HUNDREDS of people not only in the Parish, but lined up waiting to get in. By the time Mass began, there were 3,000 people gathered at this Parish and all had come for Healing! Wheel chairs lined up, people with walkers, canes, on respirators, breathing machines, all seeking one thing from the Lord…HEALING.

The Priest did an AWESOME Mass, and advised them that HE was not the one that would heal them, but it would be Jesus Christ, in the EUCHARIST who would give them Healing.

After the Mass had ended, the Priest then informed the faithful, that they had in fact been Healed, by receiving the Eucharist and also advised them that God's Healing, comes in HIS TIME and in HIS FORM, so they might not get out of the wheel chair that minute and run the Boston Marathon, but in fact they Had been Healed and he was only going to lay hands and pray for them.

God IS GOOD, brothers and sisters, and with my OWN eyes, I witnessed the Miraculous Healing Power of the Lord, people who could not walk, had began to walk, a woman who had been confined to a wheel chair for seven years, was actually walking, God was working His Healing Powers and those who were there SAW the Healing Power of the Lord. PRAISE BE JESUS CHRIST!

From 8:30pm until almost 3:00am, the Priest prayed over and laid hands on EVERYONE who had come for Healing; my brothers and sisters, God IS STILL in the Healing Business!

Saturday the 28th, I was blessed to be able to do a one day Lenten Mission for the Faith Community of Blessed Sacrament/St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Newark, New Jersey and what a GLORIOUS day was had their. Thank you to the wonderful Faith community for allowing me to serve you.

Now, I am in St. Inigoes, Maryland and just completed the first night of three night Revival for St. Peter Claver Parish. Stay tuned for more Testimonies of God's Glories!

Please pray for us!

Qorban Ministries

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Catholic Men for Christ 09'...

"The largest Catholic Men's Conference in the Mid-west" is what a local St. Louis television station is calling our 2nd Annual Catholic Men for Christ Men's Conference which was held today, March 21, 2009.

Over 1,100 men came to the America's Center in Downtown St. Louis, for a POWERFUL day of Testimonies and Inspirational talks.

For nationally recognized men gave very inspirational messages this morning, leading off with "The Latin Lover of our Lord and Our Lady", Catholic Lay Evangelist Jesse Romero gave the men in attendance a TOUGH Spiritual Workout in as he calls it, "The Lord's Gym".

Next up was Fr. Larry Richards who litterally, beat the DEVIL OUT of the men gathered. After his powerful talk, hundreds of men flocked to the Confessional's to receive the Sacrament of Reconcilliation.

Third, we had Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers from EWTN's (Eternal Word Television Network) "Behold the Man" Series. Deacon Harold preached on the power of forgiveness and challenged the men to truly step up and take control of their lives.

The Closer; well, after listening to these awesome speakers, yours truly, Richard Lane, stepped up eagerly to take the ball and run for JESUS! I challenged the men to a RADICAL commitment to TRUE CHANGE. We stood and recommitted our lives to Jesus, once again accepting Him as our Lord and Savior, and promising to take His message of Salvation to the world.

Finally, Jesus Christ blessed everyone, in the Holy Sacrafice of Mass. Bishop Robert Hermann, did an awesome job as always in delivering an inspirational Homily.

The men of the planning team did an outstanding job as they have the past two years, and this would not have come to fruition without their leadership and hands. The 2010 Conference Planning will begin next week, so Holy Spirit, fill us.

This day was not about the speakers, but ONLY for the Men who came, to inspire them to Hope Against Hope, to understand that following Jesus, requires a RADICAL COMMITMENT to Him and to have NO FEAR! Inspiring them to become better men, husbands, fathers, brothers and citizens of the world.

A heartfelt thanks to all those who participated in this event in all areas, but all GLORY AND HONOR to our Lord God.

Qorban Ministries

Friday, March 20, 2009

Let Go and Let GOD!!!

Well, twas the night before the Conference and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a Mouse. THEN WHY AM I STILL UP AND HAVE TO BE UP IN 5 HOURS??? J

This is the night before our second annual Catholic Men for Christ Men's Conference www.CatholicMenforChrist.org here in St. Louis. This conference began with Two Men and a Prayer three years ago and the Lord has taken us from a venue last year that HE packed with almost 900 men, now to the Convention Center in Downtown St. Louis, Missouri, where we pray the Holy Spirit will bring 1,300 men tomorrow!

Although myself and my brother in Christ, Mike Page are the co-founders of this conference, so many men have dedicated their lives to brining this day to fruition. It is amazing what the Holy Spirit has done with a dream.

I am up praying and asking the Holy Spirit for continued direction for my talk tomorrow, as I am batting cleanup for three POWERFUL men of God. I have no doubt about the Anointing God has placed upon me, I only want to do His Will and ensure that I speak His Words.

About 50 men have worked diligently for over a year in planning this conference, the stage is set, the Altar is up, and the doors will open at 7am in the morning. We have done our due diligence and it is now time for us to once again, give it back to the Lord.

Now is the time Lord…we let go and Let You take over! Thank you Lord and God bless Your men who will attend and God bless those who will not.


Qorban Ministries

Monday, March 16, 2009

Catholic Men for Christ – March 21, 2009

For those of you in or near St. Louis, don't forget about the Catholic Men for Christ Men's Conference, coming up THIS Saturday March 21, 2009 at the America's Center. Doors open at 7am with an adoration chapel and the day's events will kick off at 8:30 sharp concluding with Mass at 3pm celebrated by Bishop Hermann.

To register, go to http://www.CatholicMenforChrist.org and sign up. You can also see a list of the four presenters for this years Conference.


Don't miss this opportunity to allow the Holy Spirit to change your life FOREVER!!!

God bless.

Qorban Ministries



Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pictures from St. Luke's Revival in Thibodaux, LA.

Here are some pictures of last weeks wonderful Revival we did in Thibodaux, Louisiana. Thank you so much for the love from this wonderful Community of Christ!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

“I have set before you, Life …choose LIFE…”

The Spoken Word of God is very clear in our lives. I have preached off of this subject many times over the past year in particular. The Spoken Word of God; God Spoke the World into being in the 1st Chapter of Genesis; "God said… and so it was", God said it by His Spoken Word and it came to be. In the Book of Deuteronomy 30:19, He again speaks to us VERY clearly; "I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose Life, then, that you and your descendants may live."(New American Bible)

Is this a test? Is God trying to yet again test us to see what we will do and what we will choose? He once again places a critical issue before us in Embryonic Stem Cell Research. He has set before us life/blessing (in the form of a Human Embryo) and death/curse/abortion (the destruction of that Human Embryo for research). Unfortunately our nation not only chose Death with Roe V. Wade, but we continue to choose death in Embryonic Stem Cell Research in the HOPE for cures. The Spoken Words of our Lord are VERY clear brothers and sisters, CHOOSE LIFE! We MUST protect the sanctity of life at ALL stages, especially at the earliest, in its embryonic form.

We must continue to fight the good fight to educate our youth, our adults and let them know that there are other LIFE options rather than killing a baby through abortion. We must help our young MEN and educate them and let them know of the sanctity of MARRIED life and the FAMILY, which has been for the most part eradicated within the urban community; multiple children by multiple women for our young men; babies making babies, who have no clue how to raise them in the family unit.

Many of our young black men and women rarely see the family unit in action, as they themselves have been raised by Grandparents, Aunts, etc. It all boils back down to two things…EDUCATION and EXAMPLE. We have to educate our young people, giving them inspiration that they can achieve greatness, that there is another rout out of poverty rather than drugs, alcohol and living a promiscuous life. They can achieve becoming a CEO, CFO, Preacher, Teacher, Doctor, et. al., but only IF WE show them the example. Only if WE go to them, in their communities and encourage them and not continue to tear them down, we must build up our young people of today, for they ARE our future.

"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God and the Word was with God… What came to be was LIFE…" John 1: 1-4. I think the most powerful words spoken to us were John 1: 14; "And the Word became Flesh…" the Spoken Word of God became Flesh and dwelt among us. From Deuteronomy through the Gospel of John, God's Spoken Word to us is yet again, LIFE…CHOOSE LIFE, which is the LIGHT of the Human Race, the Light of the Father's ONLY Son. Brothers and Sisters that LIGHT is given to us through our babies, our sons and daughters, black, white, Latino, et. al., WE are the Light of God which shines throughout the World. So too are we, the Light of Christ, the Spoken Word of God which Dwelt among us, which dwells WITHIN each and every one of us. Let us continue to stand up for LIFE…the SPOKEN WORD OF GOD. "I have set before you life and death… Choose LIFE!"

Remember brothers and sisters, at one time… JESUS CHRIST WAS AN EMBRYO! Jesus, Mary and Joseph, PRAY FOR US!

God bless you.

Catholic Lay Evangelist Richard Lane, Co-Founder of Qorban Ministries


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Message to Catholics: JUST DO IT!!!

While sitting in my office today, I got a message from the HOT TOPICS at Catholic Answers Forum, so I perused some of the topics. Well, those of you who know me should know the ones that really caught my attention. "Catholic Street Preaching"!

Lawd have MERCY…some of the comments are just so funny to me. For those of you who might not know…but this is how our Ministry, Qorban Ministries, got started four years ago. Going out on the street corners and passing out bibles and plastic crosses. I had not Seminary Training, no PHD or Masters in Divinity, no Bachelors in Theology or Sacred Scripture, but what I did have was a DEEP LOVE for reaching others. A DEEP LOVE for wanting to five OTHERS the blessing and love that I had been given; this is what we are ALL CALLED TO DO, but so many people are so scared about doing it and the majority of comments I saw was, "Well, what if a Protestant comes up to you and wants to debate…you need to have some tracts to give them, yeah…have some information to give them…" NO YOU DON'T! You don't need all of that STUFF! Now, it's nice to have, but it is not needed.

All God wants is someone with a DESIRE! Someone who is AVAILABLE and ABLE to do HIS work. Let GOD be God while you are on the street and not YOU! You are not going out there to preach a Homily; you are not going out there to even CONVERT anyone! You are simply making yourself AVAILABLE to God, for Him to use you to touch the lives of others.

The key thing to fellowshipping with Protestants… (THIS IS THE SECRET!!!) Don't talk about what separates us….talk to them about what brings us all TOGETHER! JESUS!!! But to many times we as Catholic's can't talk about Jesus, without quoting the Catechism, or without an RCIA Guide or a Pamphlet or we have not had that course yet, or that has not come up in our fellowship meetings, etc. TALK to our brothers and sisters about the "RELATIONSHIP" YOU have with Jesus! HMMMM, I could do a whole nother blog on RELATIONSHIP with Jesus! You see, our Protestant Brothers and Sisters have a RELATIONSHIP with Jesus…they have overtly or made an OVERT ACT of RELATIONSHIP with Jesus…in 'Accepting Him as my Lord and Savior', where we as Catholic's say… "Umm, yeah I say 10 Hail Mary's everyday and 5 Our Fathers….I recite the Memorare and say the Chaplet of Divine Mercy…", and don't get me wrong…these are GREAT things to do and pray every day…all day…, but are we in RELATIONSHIP with Him? What is RELATIONSHIP…Loving Him, morning, noon and night, saying Good morning, going to Mass Frequently, visiting Him in the Sacraments Frequently, calling him 20 times a day like you would that new sweet love in your life, to we treat Him as the LOVE of our LIVES? THAT is Relationship brothers and sisters!

Yeah I know, I went on another rant. LOL, when we go out into the streets, it's not to convert everyone, only the Holy Spirit can convert someone, we are just there to PLANT SEEDS in them. Give them a free Bible, give them a simple 10 cent plastic cross…Mother Teresa said, "You can save someone's soul with just a SMILE!" Did you smile at someone today? Have you told someone JUST HOW GOOD GOD IS? Have you given a TESTIMONY of just how Jesus has made a Way out of NO WAY in YOUR LIFE?!?!

Do it….. JUST DO IT!!! Jesus said, "Be Not Afraid!" JUST DO IT Brothers and Sisters…JUST DO IT! You will be surprised at the amount of Angels God will send to minister to YOU while you are doing HIS Will!

Peace be with you!

Richard Lane, Qorban Ministries


Monday, March 9, 2009

“Forgive Your People Lord…”

Yet again, today marks another milestone. March 9, 2009 is the day that our current Administration has authorized Federal Tax Dollars to be used for the continued MURDER of the unborn, in hope of a cure for diseases. The President stated, "I cannot guarantee that we will find the cures and treatments we seek…" The President further stated that this would not open up a door to Human Cloning, but "we will develop strict guidelines, which we will rigorously enforce, because we cannot tolerate misuse and abuse…and will ensure that our government never opens the door to the use of cloning for human reproduction. It is dangerous, profoundly wrong, and has no place in our society, or any society." Well, Mr. President, I am not a rocket scientist, nor a Biotechnologist, but I am a believer of God and His Son Jesus Christ, and that being stated, Mr. President you JUST DID what you said you would NOT DO. The door is not just opened, but the flood gates have begun to rush in. SHAME ON US!

How can those in power think that by destroying a LIFE would be a good thing for the HOPE of prevented disease? This is preposterous and abominable. We must protect LIFE at all its stages from the earliest of inception (the Embryonic Stage) to its end.

We are NOT GOD! We do NOT have the right to decide who lives and who dies. We do NOT have the right to decied what can be thrown out and what is to be kept…in a Petri dish. Life is so precious; have we reached a point in the Worlds History that we THINK we are so smart that we can create and destroy life whenever we need a HOPE for a cure of something? What will our future hold, killing innocent babies, because we HOPE it might cure Allergies? WRONG, WRONG, this is WRONG, and those that sit on the sidelines without speaking up are just as guilty as those who are in power to destroy LIFE with the single stroke of a pen.

I am reminded of the Words of our Lord and Savior, "Father, forgive them, for they know NOT what they do!" I ask the Father to forgive us for thinking that we are so smart that we are and can act like Him. Father, forgive us for taking a LIFE, for the HOPE of a cure. Father, forgive us, for throwing life away as if it were a dirty snot rag. Father, forgive us, for not seeing YOUR Son, in the unborn and doing more to protect them.

This begs the question; how can we trust a Government to act responsibly, that says it will, yet again, "develop strict guidelines,…(to) enforce," when this same Government cannot control its own loaning and spending of Tax Payers monies. We give Billions of Dollars to companies and corporations and they in turn take expensive trips, vacations, I mean work outings…WHAT EVER YOU WANT TO CALL IT…this is the same Government that is going to regulate privatized business who seek to earn BILLIONS of dollars for coming up with a possible cure? Where will the eggs come from for the scientists to conduct their experiments? It will come from the continued EXPLOITATION of Poor and Marginalized women. In this current state of our Economy, more and more women will be lured into selling their eggs, thus continuing to put their own health and lives in jeopardy, for monies that are desperately needed. They will continue to be LIED to by our Government and scientists that the procedure is not a painful one or a harmful one, when in essence it IS!

This is an ABOMONATION and is a great tragedy in our lifetime, and we cannot continue to sit back and continue to do NOTHING…we MUST fight for the unborn, we must fight for the PROTECTION OF LIFE at ALL OF ITS STAGES and we must realize that WE ARE NOT GOD…ONLY GOD CAN CREATE LIFE! We must speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves, we must continue to stand for those who have no voice, yet we must also be compassionate for those who suffer and seek other, alternative, SAFE methodologies for seeking cures, and NOT KILLING INNOCENT BABIES!

"Lord, FORGIVE YOUR PEOPLE!" Jesus, Mary and Joseph, PRAY FOR US!

Catholic Lay Evangelist Richard L. Lane, Qorban Ministries
