Monday, December 22, 2008

Let Us Remain In Him…

Blessed be God forever as we continue to press on through life, and celebrate the coming of the Lord.

Many of us are suffering through trials and tribulations during this time of our lives. Many have no idea if they will be employed in the coming year; many are losing and/or have lost their jobs. Many of the 'working poor' are flocking to scantily packed food pantries for sustenance and also to agencies for help and assistance. Many of us are trying to just make it through the day and have little or even no hope.

Let us be thankful for the Light of the World that is to come. Let us be thankful for just the LITTLE things that we have, house/apartment/roof over our head; family; friends; loved ones; children and most of all, let us just be thankful for the Greatest Gift ever given and that is Jesus.

He tells us in John's Gospel to "remain in Him and He will remain in us…" No matter how hard things are or may get, we MUST REMAIN IN HIM, for He is ALL that IS, where the Invisible meets the visible; where God, meets each of us. He WILL make a Way out of no way for us in all of our lives; for as long as we 'remain in Him'.

No matter where or what life gives us, we must know that our Testimony is for the Glory of the Father and that He WILL PROVIDE!

God said it, I believe it…that settles it! Even if you believe, with Faith the size of a Mustard Seed…, HE WILL PROVIDE!

Let us continue to Praise His Holy Name, each and EVERY DAY OF OUR LIVES, for God is Good…ALL THE TIME!

Peace be unto you.

Qorban Ministries

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