Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Catholic’s, are you Saved???

Yesterday I took my daughter to the dentist's office for a follow up visit. Halfway through the visit the Doctor called me over and showed me something on my daughter's teeth. After he finished, he asked me if I was enjoying my vacation, to which I advised him that I rarely take a vacation as I am self-employed and work in Ministry and the Lord's work NEVER stops for 'Vacation'. (Yes I am well aware the Lord rested on the seventh day, to which I try to adhere to, thanks to my lovely wife!)

He asked me what I did for a living and told him that I was a "Catholic Evangelist", and conduct Revivals and speak and preach all over the Country. The Doctor than proceeded to tell me that he was one of the 'Frozen Chosen', and asked if I had ever heard that before? Well, if any of you reading this have ever heard me preach, you have heard me make reference to a lot of Catholic's as the 'Frozen Chosen' as well. He said that he was 'Evangelical' (of course me not knowing which denomination) and he continued to tell me about his daughter, who several years ago began to study the teachings of Aquinas and Augustine. Well, immediately I knew where this was going, because anyone who studies these great Theologians, with an open mind, will be IMMEDIATELY led to them as being two of the Early Church Fathers and one cannot help but be led to the Roman Catholic Church! PRAISE THE LORD!

He continued in saying that his daughter then received a scholarship to study at Notre Dame and continues to seek a Theology Degree, and he was not really upset with her Conversion to Catholicism. What disturbs him most is the fact that when he asks her "are you Saved", she gives these wonderful Theological reflections, (which a lot of educated Catholic's can do VERY well), but just cannot simply respond, "Yes" or "No".

I have been blessed to travel the Country, speaking and preaching all over and yet, I hear a lot of the same questions, which is not a bad thing, if you don't ask, you will never know.

The answer to this question is UNAQUIVICALLY YES! YES we ARE SAVED! Jesus Christ, by whose act of Salvation we are objectively saved! He died, He rose and saved us from SIN!

    II Corinthians 5:15 – So whoever is in Christ is a new creation.

I Corinthians 15:2 – Through it (the Gospel) you are also being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you, unless you believed in vain.

Romans 5:9 – How much more then, since we are now justified by his blood, will we be saved through him from the wrath.

I think St. Paul's letter to the Romans says so much to me…YES we are saved by His Blood, saved by His Sacrifice for ALL of us.

One of the first passages I came to remember was John 14:6 – Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man goes to the Father except through me!" If we believe and understand and work toward Salvation, it will be attained. What I mean by work is, we cannot be the 'frozen chosen' and just sit idly and believe we are saved, we must Love each other, Serve one another and we must also, as St. Paul tells us, seek a DAILY PENTECOST – die to our fleshly desires, and live in HIM!

Yes, thank God almighty, WE – CATHOLIC'S – are SAVED!

On this the last day of 2008, I think this is very much an appropriate note and tone to end the year on…Salvation! Let us approach 2009, with more enthusiasm, a greater LOVE and greater ZEAL for Souls, for Jesus Christ, because if others see the Light, within us, they will be drawn toward Eternal Salvation and as our Holy Fathers tell us, the greatest means of Salvation is right HERE – HOME – in our ONE – HOLY – CATHOLIC and –APOSTOLIC CHURCH!

Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever more…AMEN!

Happy New Year everyone and God bless!

Qorban Ministries


PS…Yes, I did assure the Doctor that his daughter was on the road toward Eternal Salvation and if she truly believes what the Church teaches…she IS saved! Thank you Lord!

Kwanzaa Day 6 – Kuumba (koo-OOM-bah)

Kuumba – Creativity.

Creativity makes use of our creative energies to build and maintain a strong and vibrant community. We as a people (speaking of African-Americans) are a people of survival, adaption and overcoming. We survived the "Middle Passage", in boats, chains, torture, brutality, but yet we are still here. We were able to adapt to a strange land that we were brought too some 389 years ago, that smelled different, looked different, felt different; coming from a hot climate and being subjected to winter and extreme conditions, but yet we survived and adapted. We have overcome struggles of racism, socio-economic underprivileged, and continue to fight for our basic rights, and basic human needs. During all of these trials, we found Creative ways to survive adapt and overcome, through our being, Spiritual, as well as other areas – music, Worship, et. al.

How can we further develop the Creative minds that currently exist in our world, in our cities of the young black men and women who are undereducated, underprivileged and under loved? How can we give HOPE to a HOPELESS community, how can we bring Light into the darkness of this world, how can we bring Peace in the midst of urban warfare?

We must continue to use our God given Creative Gifts and Talents, to make a better life for those to come after us. We must realize that we HAVE to give back to those who have been given NOTHING – EACH ONE TEACH ONE, is the African Proverb. We are ONE in community, ONE in reality and ONE in the eyes of the Creator.

Kuumba – Creativity, have you gotten creative with someone NEW? Do it for 09'!

God bless you and Happy New Year!

Qorban Ministries




Kwanzaa day 5 – NIA…

The Fifth Principle celebrated during Kwanzaa is NIA (NEE-yah). Purpose.

Purpose encourages us to look within ourselves and to set personal goals that are beneficial to the community. We may have goals for our families, our retirement, but what about personal goals for the betterment of our community and our world at large?

Some things to consider;

  1. Recycling – to make our Planet a better place to live for future generations
  2. Giving of our time – donating time to Society of St. Vincent de Paul, YMCA, Boys & Girls Club of America or other community service oriented agencies to help others understand gifts they have been given, but are yet unrealized and unseen
  3. Prayer – perhaps including your local community in daily prayer for transformation into a better way for others

Purpose, do you have a new purpose in your life for the coming year, for the betterment of your community? If so, please share with others.


God bless you and Keep on Keepin' on!

Qorban Ministries

Monday, December 29, 2008

Kwanzaa day 4 – Ujamaa…

Day 4 of our Kwanzaa Celebration is the forth Principle – Ujamaa - Cooperative Economics.

Cooperative economics emphasizes our collective economic strength and encourages us to meet common needs through mutual support. We must continue to be focused on the Family and the Community. A deep abiding Love in Christ is the source of our being and we must continue to show that Love of Christ to all of our families, our Communities and our world, in all that we do.

Cooperative Economics does not mean 'I' must do all I can do to take care of me and mine, we must be focused on the community. One makes it out and makes good, he/she must then have the responsibility to go BACK and GIVE BACK to their respective Communities. Building jobs, advantages for those who are dis-advantaged, underprivileged, and under educated. Giving back to the least, lost and most abandoned and HELPING them, but means of jobs, community centers, educational assistance, bringing up and developing more community leaders – empowering them with the ability to say YES YOU CAN, and most of all providing them an economic resource base to aid and assist in the Communal Socio-Economic environment.


Jesus, Mary and Joseph pray for us ALL!

Qorban Ministries

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Kwanzza – Day 3 – Ujima…

I pray that you are well. Once again, I am late with posting something of significance, so once again I ask your forgiveness.

I pray that you have had a WONDERFUL celebration of the Birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

We have now entered another festive celebration of life; Kwanzaa and today being the third day (Kwanzaa is celebrated from the 25th of December – the 1st of January) Ujima – (oo-GEE-mah) – Collective Work and Responsibility. This reminds us of our Past, Present and Future. How have we come, as a people thus far in our Collective Work and Responsibility toward one another? Where are we currently, and how can we improve going forward, to help our Community/Village and our Children. This is the Principle we focus on this the Third Day of Kwanzaa and reflect on where we have been, where we are now and were we are going in the future for the greater good of mankind.

Kwanzaa is not a 'religious celebration', but one of celebrating who we are as African-American People, where our struggles have come, how we have gotten to where we are now and how to we improve our way of life. The focus of each principle is on the Family. One may say, (and I have heard it MANY times before), does this mean that white people can't celebrate it? NO NO NO that is not what it means. Matter of fact if you are a white person involved in an African-American community, you are part of our Culture. We are a LOVING, OPEN and WELCOMING people… once you have entered our Church or Home, 9 times out of 10, you are FAMILY!

Here is some information about Kwanzaa you might be interested in;

Kwanzaa is based on the Nguzo Saba (seven guiding principles), one for each day of the observance, and is celebrated from December 26th to January 1st.

  • Umoja (oo-MO-jah) Unity stresses the importance of togetherness for the family and the community, which is reflected in the African saying, "I am We," or "I am because We are."
  • Kujichagulia (koo-gee-cha-goo-LEE-yah) Self-Determination requires that we define our common interests and make decisions that are in the best interest of our family and community.
  • Ujima (oo-GEE-mah) Collective Work and Responsibility reminds us of our obligation to the past, present and future, and that we have a role to play in the community, society, and world.
  • Ujamaa (oo-JAH-mah) Cooperative economics emphasizes our collective economic strength and encourages us to meet common needs through mutual support.
  • Nia (NEE-yah) Purpose encourages us to look within ourselves and to set personal goals that are beneficial to the community.
  • Kuumba (koo-OOM-bah) Creativity makes use of our creative energies to build and maintain a strong and vibrant community.
  • Imani (ee-MAH-nee) Faith focuses on honoring the best of our traditions, draws upon the best in ourselves, and helps us strive for a higher level of life for humankind, by affirming our self-worth and confidence in our ability to succeed and triumph in righteous struggle.

Please feel free to pass this information along to others who might not know or understand.

God bless you and continue to allow the Light of Christ to shine within you, because the KING is BORN! Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever!

Qorban Ministries (See our website as we still have some CD's and DVD's available for your after Christmas Shopping!)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Oh Come Let Us Adore Him…

Enjoy this wonderful Christmas Homily from Deacon Art Miller of Hartford, CT.

Merry Christmas to all and to all…GOD'S CONTINUED BLESSING!

Qorban Ministries

O come let us adore him, O come let us adore him, O come let us adore

him, Christ the Lord


Glory to God in the Highest


Luke's Gospel tells us so beautifully of the birth of Christ, giving us details

and elements so that we might know and believe that a savior is born to us.

The first reading we heard from the prophet Isaiah was written 800 years

before Christ was born. This prophecy…this promise from God, foretells

the birth of Jesus, proclaiming the good news that a great savior will be

given us and he shall be called: Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, Father-

Forever, Prince of Peace…and the world waited patiently…waiting for

salvation to be born amongst us.


The time of Advent has ended, and on this Holy night we are reminded in

the feast of Christmas that Christ the savior is born. With his birth the

manifestation of God's love is made evident in the world.


For those of us who believe that the greatest gift is the gift of love,

Christmas is the ultimate and most intimate expression there is. The child

in the manger, is not the end or even the object of this holy time; the child is

the means whereby God's love is presented to the people whom he loves.

The birth of Jesus is many, many things, it is miracle, it is mystery, it is

mercy, it is hope, it is justice, it is truth, it is the world becoming something

it could never have been on its own. It is all of that but much more than

that, it is: the gift of God for the people of God. That is what Christmas is

about. Christmas is God's initiative; it is God's work… Christmas is the

reaffirmation and commitment of God's gift of love to his children.


This gift is the renewal of that love, and the maintenance of that love even

against all the forces of this dark and cold and unremitting world. It is into a

world of such darkness and despair that the gift of light and hope comes,

and it is the gift of invincible love that draws the helpless, the hopeful, the

faithful and the confused to the manger. It has done so for thousands of

years and it will do so until the kingdom of this world becomes the kingdom

of our God and of his Christ.


It is with complete awe that we draw together here this evening. We gather

for many reasons, tradition, obligation, celebration, joy, blessed memories,

to recall the truth of our faith, our faith that tells us that God is born to us in

human form and saved us in human form.


We gather because we know that we must give honor and glory to God, in

our need and in our hope; for we see that at the center of our

faith we recognize that through the lowliness of a stable, in poverty and in

desperation our Lord came into this world.


Tonight we recall that God gave birth to a gift of love and salvation in the

human form of the baby Jesus. Tonight we accept and embrace his gift of

love and salvation. For that is truly what we honor and celebrate this

evening; that for us God became flesh, and that flesh called the world to a

radical, life-changing, spiritual love. It is this same life altering love that can

be born in us. A love that only the Holy Spirit can give…The same love

that Mary bore in the human form of her son Jesus Christ can be born in us

in spiritual form made real.


A loving Christ was born in the small city of Bethlehem, a city that was

known as the least of the great cities in Israel. The love of Christ can also

be made manifest in this small Catholic Church in the least part of Hartford,

in the least and smallest part of every one of us.


So, on this Christmas Eve when our hearts are quieted by the magnitude of

God's great love toward us, we are reminded that the greatness of God is

seen in the wonder of the ordinary and in the small; the miracle of God, is

that he can make much out of nothing and something out of almost

anything. A little town becomes the focus of the world's last hope; a little

baby comes to oppose the forces of Caesar and fear; and human flesh and

human life are dignified and made whole as never before. The test of God's

power is not in his capacity to move mountains, stop mighty storms, or

taking walks atop water. No. God's power is in his capacity to make much

of little, for that is what he does in creation, that is what he does at

Christmas, and that is what he does with you and me.


Christmas lends itself so easily to images and sentiment. We need our

images and sentiment, but Christmas does not belong to sentiment, an

ideal, or even a feeling about God. Christmas belongs to those who

recognize not the sense of the Holidays but the real presence of God in

their lives and in the world, not simply once upon a time long, long ago and

far, far away but here and now, inhabiting our hearts and struggling with us

against the difficult realities that surround and inflict us in this world and in

these times.


The world of little Bethlehem was real, Caesar Augustus was real, Herod

was real, taxation was real, death and slaughter was real, despair was real

and normal; and in the midst of all this God had to be made real, and was

made real not in an ideal but in the flesh, for that is what the incarnation

was and is, and that is why we bow before its presence" God is with us," for

that is what Emmanuel means. It is not just a translation of a Hebrew name

but a translation of the living, loving purpose of God to be present in and

among his creation. God does not abandon that which he makes; he

becomes one with us that we might become one with him.


So we join with him and with one another in this feast of feasts on this night

of nights, this most holy night, for the gift of the Incarnation continues in the

fellowship that we have with Christ around his Holy Table. In these most

ordinary, these most tangible creatures of bread and wine, flesh and

blood, we become at one with him, who for us became one in us.


Every time a baby is born, God endorses his world; and every time we

celebrate Holy Communion we experience once again his Incarnation. The

miracle of Christmas: is more than a star, or singing angels, the wondering

shepherds, the lovely mother, or the exotic kings, It is more than a cold

wintry night, it is more than hopes and fears. The miracle of Christmas is

that on this Holy Night, God cared enough to send us himself, and that he

continues to do so in the gift of love.


And so It takes the courage of faith that exists within your hearts and souls

and minds so that God's gift of love can and must be made manifest

through you. Don't ever forget that…don't ever, ever forget …you are a gift

from God…


May our blessed and Holy God put his loving, healing arms around you

this day and forever more..Blessing you and those you love…


O come let us adore him !

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Angels Words to Mary Have Been Fulfilled…

As we approach the Birth of the Messiah in two days, we realize the Words Spoken by an Angel of the Lord have been fulfilled.

An Angel of the Lord was sent to a beautiful woman who knew him not, but yet at the words, "Be Not Afraid", she proclaimed that she was the Handmaid of the Lord, be it done unto her as he said.

Let us also follow in Mary's example to BE NOT AFRAID and say YES to the Lord in our daily lives. Yes Lord, I will proclaim your Glory today; Yes Lord, I will sing your praises today, despite my infirmities; Yes Lord, I will do your Will this day; Yes Lord I believe you are the Alpha and the Omega; Yes Lord, I will make you the center of my life; Yes Lord, I believe that you WILL DELIVER ALL MANKIND, if they just believe; Yes Lord, I will be Your Light in the darkness of this world… YES LORD YES!

As we finalize preparations for family celebrations, Church obligations, et. al, let us finalize our Preparations for the coming of the Lord and once again, each day, die to our sinfulness and say YES LORD, I live, once again, ANEW in you, because YOU loved me so much in my sinfulness that You sent the Light of the world, to save my soul.

The Words have been fulfilled my brothers and sisters, let us continue to sing His Praises and Magnify His name, for He is WORTHY of all Glory, Honor and Praise, for at the Might Name of JESUS – every knee shall bend and every head shall bow in Heaven and under the earth; for at the Name of EMMANUEL – our lives have been given NEW meaning – our Soul has found everlasting life within Him!

Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever more – let the Church say: AMEN!

Qorban Ministries

Monday, December 22, 2008

Let Us Remain In Him…

Blessed be God forever as we continue to press on through life, and celebrate the coming of the Lord.

Many of us are suffering through trials and tribulations during this time of our lives. Many have no idea if they will be employed in the coming year; many are losing and/or have lost their jobs. Many of the 'working poor' are flocking to scantily packed food pantries for sustenance and also to agencies for help and assistance. Many of us are trying to just make it through the day and have little or even no hope.

Let us be thankful for the Light of the World that is to come. Let us be thankful for just the LITTLE things that we have, house/apartment/roof over our head; family; friends; loved ones; children and most of all, let us just be thankful for the Greatest Gift ever given and that is Jesus.

He tells us in John's Gospel to "remain in Him and He will remain in us…" No matter how hard things are or may get, we MUST REMAIN IN HIM, for He is ALL that IS, where the Invisible meets the visible; where God, meets each of us. He WILL make a Way out of no way for us in all of our lives; for as long as we 'remain in Him'.

No matter where or what life gives us, we must know that our Testimony is for the Glory of the Father and that He WILL PROVIDE!

God said it, I believe it…that settles it! Even if you believe, with Faith the size of a Mustard Seed…, HE WILL PROVIDE!

Let us continue to Praise His Holy Name, each and EVERY DAY OF OUR LIVES, for God is Good…ALL THE TIME!

Peace be unto you.

Qorban Ministries

Saturday, December 20, 2008

“The Word became Flesh…”

How many times have we heard and read St. John's Gospel speaking of 'In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God…" and then St. John tells us "…and the Word became Flesh and made His dwelling among us."

Do we really and truly understand the magnificence of this, the crux of what has been given to us (Catholic's) by God?

I was reading a Daily Devotional (Protestant) that I receive each day, and it was so beautifully written, about the Word made manifest to us in our lives and it calls for us to really understand the true meaning of God's Word made manifest in our daily lives. True, we are ALL called to reflect Christ, the Word of God in all of our daily actions and in every aspect of our humanity. This Word is made manifest when we do good deeds, acts of mercy and serve our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, but we also know that St. James tells us "Faith without works is dead", so conversely I believe that we cannot WORK our way to Heaven either, we must have Faith. What does St. Paul tell us that Faith is? As my brother in Christ and Co-Host of our radio show, "Zip" Rzeppa would say it; "Any 5th grader, properly Catechized in the Faith could explain it!" Well, to coin the phrase of a recent television show, 'Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?' Well, are you? Most Catholic's do not understand their Faith, nor understand Church Teaching fully. Even the Pope does not understand it, FULLY, but we thank God for His enlightenment given to us through the Holy Spirit.

    Faith – "…the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, to we really understand and have the Faith, that what we receive at EVERY Holy Sacrifice of the Mass IS the Word, the Word of God which became Flesh, the Word of God which, through Transubstantiation BECOMES FLESH for us? Do we BELIEVE it? DO WE HAVE THE FAITH ENOUGH TO BELIEVE THIS IS THE TRUE BODY, BLOOD, SOUL AND DIVINITY OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, GIVEN UNTO US FOR OUR SALVATION? (Sorry for all the caps, but for those of you who know ME…know that I am VERY impassioned when I talk about the Eucharist)

Protestants use the word Manifest and Manifestation a lot in their discourses of Religiosity; but for those of us who are Roman Catholic, it should hold and have a SPECIAL meaning for each of us. The Word of God made Flesh – which is made MANIFEST for us during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass – The TRUE Flesh of Christ, made MANIFEST inside each of us, therefore, we are what we eat…right? Christ is made Manifest in our Bodies, transforming us – He who was made sin, but knew NO sin – so that we, sinners, mortals, humans, could be that SAME WORD MANIFEST DAILY!

As we approach the celebration of the Birth of the Messiah, the celebration of God's Second Covenant with His people – Grace in place of Grace, let us continue to prepare our MINDS and our BODIES, each day, and realize that God loves us so much that He gives us His Son – Manifested – within us in the Eucharist! Thank you God for loving me…a sinner! Thank you God for healing me… and most of all… Thank you God for the GIFT of Eternal Salvation!

Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever more… Let the Church say… AMEN!

God bless you and may the Word of God continue to be made Manifest in you, everyday. Be blessed to be a BLESSING to someone else!

Evangelist Richard L. Lane

Co-Founder, Qorban Ministries

Friday, December 19, 2008

Do You Have a Little More Room In Your Jar…

There was a professor who stood before her philosophy class and had some items in front of her. When the class began, wordlessly, she picked up a very large but empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. She then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. She shook the jar slightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. She then asked the students again if the jar was full. They again agreed that it was. The professor then picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. She asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous "yes."The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents of both cups into the jar, effectively filling the empty spaces between the grains of sand. The students laughed. "Now," said the professor, as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things: Your faith, your hope, your love; your family, your community, God. That if everything else is lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that are of matter, but are of less importance, your job, your house, your car. The sand represents everything else …. the small stuff. If first we were to fill the jar with sand we would have no room for the golf balls or the pebbles. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are truly important. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your eternal life. Take time out for your families; be patient and loving to one another. There is always time to clean the house there is always time to wash your car. Take care of the golf balls first, the things that really matter. One of the students raised his hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple cups of coffee with a friend."

Thursday, December 18, 2008

“The Word Became Flesh and Moved Into the Neighborhood”

I just read this and HAD to re-post it on my blog for those of you who might really appreciate it.


This is not my writing, but that of…

Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr. is the Pastor of one church in three locations in New Jersey: Cathedral International in Perth Amboy, Cathedral Assembly by the Shore in Asbury Park, and Cathedral Assembly in the Fields in Plainfield. Dr. Hilliard's willingness to say "YES" to the Lord fostered his ability to grow the church from 125 in 1983 to well over 5,000 members today. As a result of Dr. Hilliard's unwavering faith, multifaceted mindset, and ability to trust in the Lord, over fifty ministries are at work within the three cities.


The Word Became Flesh and Moved Into the Neighborhood
Bishop Donald Hilliard

Among the Christmas Eve congregation at 5th Avenue Presbyterian Church was a recovering alcoholic named Jim. It was his first Christmas alone, and when a young family sat down beside him he couldn't handle it. Leaving the church he met Pastor Thomas Tewell who asked where he was going. "Out for a drink," he replied.

Knowing Jim's history, Tewell said, "You can't. Where's your sponsor?" "On vacation," he replied. "I came tonight needing a word of hope and ended up sitting beside this family. If I had my life together, I'd be here with mine."

As the pastor walked to the pulpit he prayed, "God, give me a word of hope for Jim." Then after welcoming the congregation he said, "I have a request. If anyone here is a friend of Bill W.'s, and if you are you'll know it, please meet me in the vestry. (Bill Wilson, better known as Bill W., co-founded Alcoholics Anonymous)

Immediately people from all over the congregation began to respond. Dr. Tewell says, "While I was busy preaching about the Incarnation, the Word was becoming flesh before my eyes!"

As you celebrate Jesus' birth, remember that many around you are hurting; they've lost hope. Don't forget, "The Word became flesh" only because Jesus went out of His way to redeem sinners, lift the fallen, encourage the despairing, and minister to the sick, the lonely and the forgotten.

He said, "In as much as you've done it unto the least...of've done it unto me" (See Mt 25:40). So instead of keeping to yourself this year, reach out to others - go ahead, make it your best Christmas ever!

“Seize the Day…”

I want to thank the Producer Emily, of the Gus Lloyd Show for having me on Sirius Satellite Radio, this morning and also thanks to my friend and brother in Christ, Gus Lloyd for the great work that he does. Prior to my interview this morning, Gus did a reflection on the Gospel Reading today, and recounted how Matthew called St. Joseph a "Righteous Man", and how that term had been used for only a few people in the Bible. Noah, Abraham, etc., and how we not just especially father's, but all humanity are called to emulate this "Righteous Man", in how he (St. Joseph) said YES to the Lord, in his calling in life. St. Joseph said YES, I will serve you Lord; I will raise Your Son, despite the hard circumstances.

This reflection calls all of us to really realize what exactly WE are called to do. We ALSO are called to be RIGHTEOUS, and serve the Lord in our everyday lives, in all we do. We are called to be Righteous in how we live our lives, at work, at home and in the things we do for entertainment. Not all of us are called to the 'Religious Life', but yes we ARE called to be Evangelizers of the Gospel.

Pope Paul VI, told us that "…The Church (Catholic Church) Exists so that She may EVANGELIZE." We Evangelize in how we live our lives and treat others; how we love our brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as those who do not know Christ.

I have often told this story in some of my preaching around the Country, but there was once an atheist who said, "If Roman Catholic's honestly and truly believed that what they were receiving (the Eucharist) was truly the Body of Christ, they would literally be crawling on their hands and knees to go receive it." Think about that for a moment; do we really and truly understand what it is that we are receiving every time we attend the Holy Sacrifice of Mass? Are we just receiving a cracker and wine; do we really understand the magnitude of what we are taking in our body? Do we take the TRUE Body and Blood of Christ and keep it to ourselves, or do we tell others about this MAGNIFICIANT GIFT, we have received from God and encourage others to come and receive Him as well?

We must SEIZE THE DAY, every day of our lives. Every day is yet another opportunity to share the Love of Christ with someone else…have YOU taken the time to share Him with someone else today? Have YOU taken the time to share the Light of the World with someone else? Have you taken the time to thank God for the greatest Christmas Present the world has ever known? Take the time… TODAY to share Him with someone else…take the time…TODAY, to be a Blessing to someone else…do it NOW…SEIZE THE DAY, while the Day is still at hand…God will Bless you for it, more than you will ever know!

God bless you and keep you, may He make His face shine upon you and be Gracious unto you; may He continue to lift up His countenance upon you and grant you His Peace... amen, Amen and AMEN!

Keep on Keepin' on!

Qorban Ministries

PS…check out our website, for some GREAT last minute Christmas Stocking Stuffers!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Last Minute Christmas Gifts - Great Stocking Stuffers

Looking for a unique way to Evangelize someone and give the gift that never stops giving?

Give the Gift of Evangelization – Inspiration – Eternal Salvation through the Holy Spirit!

Take advantage of Qorban Ministries’ Special Offer of one of these, Four CD’s or the one DVD.

ORDER TODAY AND GET YOUR FREE GIFT! See details at bottom!

CD – 1 “My Story, Your Story, His-story” –

The Conversion Story of Catholic Convert, and Evangelist Richard L. Lane; This CD is approximately 65 minutes in length and recounts his conversion from Lutheran, to ‘Pretend Catholic’, to coming into Full Communion, with the Roman Catholic Church. This is a great gift idea for someone who might have fallen away from the Church, or might be discerning coming into the Church; also for rejuvenating that current Catholic in good standing. We only have a few hundred left, so click on this picture to order NOW!

$15.00, plus shipping & handling for this CD!!!

CD – 2 “Empowering the Laity” –

This CD which is about 45 minutes in length is an awesome and inspirational talk for that favorite Priest and/or Deacon in your life. This is a great CD to give them to inspire them to keep on preaching the Gospel of our Lord and for THEM to continue to be set on FIRE! Click on this picture to order NOW!

$10.00 for this CD; plus shipping & handling

CD – 3 “The Poor in Our Midst” –

This CD is an excellent CD for you and many others to be able to reflect and not only be grateful for the many ‘things’ God has given you, but also to encourage others to reach out to those who are most in need of God’s Mercy, the most beloved of Jesus, the Poor, Needy and the Suffering. Order one for your own collection and a few for other friends and fellow Vincentians! Click on this picture to order.

$10.00 for this CD; plus shipping & handling

CD – 4 “Decide Today Whom You Will Serve” –

This is a never before released CD by Qorban Ministries until now! This talk makes you really think about WHAT god’s we serve in our lives each day, and calls us to task as was Joshua, by God! This is a MUST HAVE for you and others… as for us, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD! Order a few NOW! Click on this picture.

$15.00 for this CD; plus shipping & handling

DVD – “Journey Home – Richard Lane” –

Order your copy and also one for someone else of this great episode of Evangelist Richard Lane’s appearance on, Eternal Word Television Network’s (EWTN) “The Journey Home” with Marcus Grodi. This is a beautiful program to continue to set you on fire for the Lord and also a great way to give the Gift of VISUAL Evangelization to someone else. This DVD along with the CD – “My Story, Your Story, His-story”, is a great 1 – 2 punch for the Lord – a MUST HAVE! Click the picture above to order your DVD today – Limited Supplies available so, order yours NOW!!!

$19.99 for this DVD, plus shipping & handling

“DVD - The Journey Home Lane”

Order any CD or DVD, BEFORE 11:59pm (Eastern) December 19, 2008 (ON-LINE via PayPal) and receive a FREE GIFT from Qorban Ministries!

To Remember our website remember Catholic Evangelist! Also check out Qorban Ministries’ Blogs!

Please forward this message to all your friends and family to help them with last minute Stocking Stuffer & Gift Ideas!

Thank you so much for your support of Qorban Ministries; keep us in your prayers and we will continue to keep you in ours!

Richard & Donna Lane
~ Qorban Ministries

Don’t forget – BOOK RICHARD LANE NOW (Through CMG BOOKING) for your 2009 Men’s Conference – BOOK RICHARD & DONNA LANE now for your 2009, Parish Mission / Revival / Pentecost Celebration!

Click this Photo and check out R. Lane, Consultants website

Your Donations are FREE WILL LOVE OFFERINGS – Qorban Ministries is a subsidiary of

Click the Donate Button below to give a FREE WILL Love Offering for Qorban Ministries. We need your help to help us continue to spread the Gospel. ANY DONATION will be appreciated and you will be added to our DAILY PRAYERS. Thank you and Keep on Keepin' on!
Qorban Ministries

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The King is COMING!!!

Many people are feeling the devastating effects of the state of our Economy, me included. We have less money than we did in previous years, Bankruptcy and Foreclosures are at record highs, most of us are forced to live from paycheck to paycheck, and some of us in Ministry, such as me are not seeing any paychecks for a few more months and we wonder where God in all of this is. How are You (God) going to help us? Where are You, Lord in our struggles? Do you hear the cries of Your Children?

I received yet another prayer request from a dear friend in Christ yesterday stating that they have just been laid off from their job. Last week, a brother in Christ called me and let me know that he lost his job as well. The one point of solace I guess we have right now is that gas prices are continuing to fall, thank God, but most of us are failing to see relief of our other burdens anytime soon.

James 1:2-4 tells us:

2        Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials, 2


for you know that the testing 3 of your faith produces perseverance.


And let perseverance be perfect, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.


But if any of you lacks wisdom, 4 he should ask God who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and he will be given it.


We ask God everyday for Mercy and Forgiveness and we should receive His Love in that prayer. It is NOW…when we give thanks to God in good times and in hard times…for the Refining Fire that He is sending us through will make us closer to Him.

I honestly believe, as hard as it is each day, that He WILL make a Way out of no way for ALL of us in our lives, but one thing we must remember is that we must give GOD the Praise and Glory when He brings us out of the situations we are in.

There IS a LIGHT at the end of the Tunnel and the LIGHT is our savior Jesus Christ. Christ the KING IS COMING! HE IS COMING, so let us give thanks to the Lord our God for the LIGHT of the world. Let us all be reminded of the Light of Christ and encourage one another that the KING IS COMING and HE WILL bring us to everlasting life…if we only BELIEVE and keep HIS commandments.

Keep strong brothers and sisters in Christ, keep strong. Give to those who are in need of help. Be kind with one another. Have patience with one another, because you don't know what others are going through and we MUST let that LIGHT of Christ shine through each of us to bring someone else closer to God. We are blessed to be blessings to others, so if you have the means, give to someone else who does not. Not just material means, but give CHRIST – Give the LIGHT of Christ to others. This is the GREATEST Gift we can all give to anyone.

Keep on Keepin' on ya'll and remember, THE KING IS COMING!!! Let us prepare ourselves to receive Him!


God bless you.


Qorban Ministries

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Three Black Pope’s…

I just realized someone asked the questions who were the other two of the three Black Pope's? I apologize for not getting this information out sooner, but here are all three Black Pope's and their information;

Pope St. Victor - Elected in 189 AD. He was deacon when he became Pope, a rarity then and now. He established a set date for the celebration of Easter yearly. He died a martyr for the faith in 199.

Pope St. Militiades - Reigned as Pope
from 311 - 314. He signed the emperor Constantine's famous Edict of Milan in 313, ending the persecutions, and making Christianity the established religion of the empire. He was considered an excellent Pope, "a son of peace and father of Christians" according to St. Augustine.

Pope St. Gelasius - Reigned from 492 -496. Born in Rome, he was renowned for his holiness, kindness and scholarship. He saved Rome from famine, composed a book of hymns for church use, was renowned for his concern for the poor and clarified church teaching on the Eucharist.