Friday, June 26, 2009

Real Catholic Men Catholic Men's Conference Portland...

After the Journey from... I get to the Real Catholic Men Catholic Men's Conference which was founded and coordinated by Mr. David Renshaw. David is such a strong and faithful Man of God to continue this great vision for the edification of others! Thank you David for your Strength and Love of God and His Church.

What a great site it was to see over 400 men gathered together to hear the Word of God. I was first up and have to give the talk inspiring men to go to Confession and I was later told and almost every man went to Confession after the talk was complete. I am so thankful to the Holy Spirit for using me as an Instrument of His Grace.

Next up was John LaBriola whom I have heard of for many years and finally had the chance to meet and h
ear this anointed man of God in person. He delivered a POWERFUL and very inspirational talk to the men gathered.

Batting Clean up was the man who's conversion story make's Father Corapi's seem trivial. Fr. Don Calloway. For those of you who have never heard of or don't know about this man, you really need to look him up on the net and see his DVD. Fr. Don is a true Testament to the Special Saving Grace given by Our Lord, to Our Lady.

Men's lives were changed on that day, and they were truly inspired by God to become better Men for Jesus, better Husbands and Fathers, on this the day before Father's Day.

I am so thankful I had the chance to be in Portland on this weekend and meet so many wonderful men and young men who truly impacted my life. They were so very generous and inspiring to me. Brothers I cannot say thank you enough, for the love and compassion you have shown me and I pray that the Holy Spirit would lead me back to that are to be 'of Service'.

For more pictures of the Conference Click this Link.

I thought since I had a rough trip to PDX, the trip home on my normal carrier would be much swifter and uneventful...afterall, I was coming home on Father's Day! Stay Tuned for part Two... The Journey Home!

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