There was a reason that Jesus told us "This is how you should pray…"
Oft times we are upset when we fail to reach a dream or goal in our lives that we have set. We take (should) the time to think out our dreams, design a road map, make lists, do's and don'ts, pro's and con's, how not to fail, etc. We discern and pray as well and sometimes, most times we believe that OUR dream is what God wants for us.
He has told us time and time again, "My ways are not your ways, my thoughts are not your thoughts…" and when we have our dreams snatched from our grasp, something crashes down upon us and utterly destroys everything we have dreamt of, then we tend to get mad at God and ask why did this happen? Why did YOU do this to me?
Have we accepted God's Will in our lives? Be careful what you pray for, because He will give it to you, IF it be His Will. God's Will is that we return Home to Him. It is also His Will that we serve others, love others, but most of all, love Him, with all of our Hearts, Minds and Souls. In doing this we WILL encounter Trials, Tribulations, Set Backs and Failures, but as they say, "A Set Back is a SET UP for a COME BACK!"
When we move in God's Will, we should understand that things WILL change for us, but WE have to be willing to make the needed Changes in our own lives that God desires of us. This Change in our lives will cause us hurt, disappointment, pain and anguish, but we must realize that what God has for us is so much more than we could ever imagine for our own lives.
It is a daily change we must experience, and we must understand and recognize that God's Will, WILL BE DONE, despite out own Will, IF we are moving in the Spirit.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His ONLY Son…", so that we could make that Change, so that we CAN move in His Will in our lives, so that through the suffering and pain we experience daily, WE ARE BEING SET UP – SET UP for GLORY – Eternal Glory with the Father.
"Father, may Your Will continue to be done in my life…despite my own Will. Give me the Grace to understand, the Love to accept it, and the Wisdom to Understand Your Desires, for me."
Catholic Evangelist Richard Lane
Qorban Ministries
brutha, I am SOOO proud of you
I love you......Jack
Brother Richard, I pray God will place in my heart, a burning desire to do what He wills for my life. And, I pray the same for you. "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." So, okay God...whatcha got in mind for me?
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